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Congratulatory message from Latvian Council of Certified Mediators

Dear friends,

Mediation has no borders, mediation has no nationality! Mediation is a way of life and a way of perceiving the world. 

We are mediators united by the same goal – to reduce conflicts and pass on our knowledge. It is a special pleasure and honor for me to congratulate my Azerbaijan colleagues on their small anniversary, because they are do they job in my so beloved city of Baku! 

I wish Jubilee Mediation Center №15 to grow and continue his development, boldly move towards his goals! May the Baku wind blow the news about Mediation Center №15 all over the world! 

With all warmer wishes, 

Faile Abbasova 

Chairwoman of the Latvian Council of Certified Mediators

Certified mediator, mediation supervisor