Nasimi N. Mirzayev
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Nasimi N. Mirzayev
Nasimi N. Mirzayev
In 1996, he graduated from the Faculty of Accounting and Economics of "Azerbaijan University of Economics". In 2002, he graduated from the law faculty of "Baku State University" named after M. Rasulzadeh. In 2020, the "Preliminary training course for mediators" held by the "Academy of Justice", in 2021 "Preparatory course for mediators specialized in family relations" and in 2022 "Preparatory course for mediators specialized in labor relations" successfully completed.
He started working in a bank in 1994 and worked as an assistant manager, accountant, reporting specialist and lawyer in commercial companies until 2016. Since 2016, he founded his own transport company and works as a manager. He is a member of "Azerbaijan Mediation Council" since 2022.