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Congratulatory message of the Azerbaijan Mediation Council

“The mediators of Baku Mediation Organization No. 15 have played a significant role in facilitating peace agreements and providing quality mediation services to citizens during their two years of operation.”

The development of mediation in our country and the intensive expansion of reforms in this field stem from Decree No. 1138 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated December 6, 2016, "On the approval of strategic roadmaps for the main sectors of the national economy." The "Strategic Roadmap for the production of consumer goods at the level of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Azerbaijan," approved by the aforementioned Decree and the country's leadership, prioritizes enhancing the potential for alternative dispute resolution among small and medium enterprises. It emphasizes the necessity of strengthening the foundations of mediation legislation as an out-of-court method of dispute resolution. Among the measures outlined in the Roadmap are the preparation of the draft law “On mediation and the establishment of the Mediation Council”.

This lays the foundation for the development of mediation in Azerbaijan within the framework of the progressive state policy spearheaded by President Ilham Aliyev.

Given that increasing judicial efficiency is a priority of Azerbaijan's legal policy, it is imperative to continue efforts to establish the mediation institution, including the formation of a regulatory framework, pilot implementation supported by international organizations, and public education initiatives in this field. These priorities are reflected in the Action Plan for “The implementation of the State Program for the development of Azerbaijan's judiciary for 2019-2023.”

Through collaborative efforts with international organizations, a normative-legal framework for Azerbaijani mediation has been established, aligning with global best practices. Consequently, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Mediation" was enacted to regulate this field.

In anticipation of the introduction of the mediation institution in our country, President Ilham Aliyev signed a Decree on April 3, 2019, "On deepening reforms in the judicial-legal system," which serves as a new roadmap for the development of the judicial-legal system. This Decree tasked the Ministry of Justice with conducting educational and promotional activities related to the mediation process. Subsequently, the Ministry of Justice conducted extensive educational campaigns among the population and legal community. Presently, significant efforts are underway to raise awareness about mediation.

Mediation organizations, established by law to provide quality mediation services, operate in our country after registration with the state and inclusion in the mediation register. Mediation Organization Baku No. 15 is one such organization. Led by our experienced and professional mediator Gasim Shaliyev, who is also a member of the Mediation Council, the mediators of Mediation Organization Baku No. 15 have played a crucial role in facilitating reconciliation agreements and engaging in high-level marketing activities while delivering quality mediation services to citizens during their two years of operation.

We extend our congratulations to all mediators collaborating with the organization, under the leadership of Gasim Shaliyev, on the occasion of the organization's two-year anniversary. We deeply appreciate their transparency and high-level marketing activities in the field of the organization's operation.


Nadir Adilov  

Chairman of the Board  

Mediation Council